1. Trader’s Information:
a. Greek General Commercial Registry’s number: 19274
c. V.A.T.: 044128890
d. County: Greece
e. Μunicipality: Kavala
f. Town: Dato Kavala
g. Region: Dato
j. P.C.: 64003.
2. These terms apply to all sales concluded through this website as well via telephone.
a. These terms may be modified without prior notice to consumers. In any case, the modified terms will not apply retroactively.
b. This website refers only to consumers and not to professional merchants.
4. Terms of sale:
a.Conclusion time of a sales contract
i. From selecting the «Order With An Obligation To Pay» button.
b. Payment methods:
i. Credit/Debit cards;:
1. By using cards on our website in order to make purchases, you declare that you have the right to use them.
ii. Bank payment.
iii. PayPal
iv. Cash on delivery
c. Defects:
i. The trader is responsible and the consumer is not charged for the return of the products, in case that the products received by the seller are defective.
ii. If there is a defect, then the consumer is required within five (5) working days from the receipt of the product to send via email photos of the defective product in order to process its return..
iii. Returns (due to a defect) without following the above procedure will not be accepted.
d. Incorrect shipment:
i. If wrong products are sent in relation to those ordered by the consumer, the trader undertakes the responsibility to cover the expenses of returning the wrong products and to send the correct one.
ii. If the products wanted by the consumer are no longer available for sale, then the money will be returned within seven (7) days of the receipt of the products that were incorrectly sent.
iii. If 14 days have elapsed since the products were received by the consumer or another person who have been chosen for their receipt an incorrect shipment status may not be claimed by the consumer.
e. Order modification
i. You can only modify your order in the following ways:
1. Before shipment with the transport trader:
a. Via telephone
b. Via email
2. After shipment with the transport trader:
a. Only after prior consultation with the trader and with its consent.
3. After the receipt of the product:
a. If a product issue arises, only after prior consultation with the trader and with its consent.
f. Order cancellation
i. To cancel your order, please send us an email or call us mentioning your individual details and your order number.
ii. If your order has already been sent to the transport trader and you wish to cancel the order, please refuse to receive the package and inform us as soon as possible via telephone or email mentioning your personal details and your order number.
g. Discounts/Gifts/Promotions
i. The trader from time to time may launch various promotional actions such as discounts, gifts etc. These promotions can also be performed on social media or through search sites.
ii. In any case, the only correct representation of the trader’s prices and products is the one provided through this website.
h. Transporter liability
i. At the stage of your pre-contractual information, you will be given options for delivering the products you have ordered.
ii. The trader undertakes the risk of transporting the products, only until they are delivered to the consumer.
iii. The risk is transferred from the outset to the consumer if another transporter is indicated to the trader.
iv. In any case, the trader is not responsible for any defects in the display system of the product’s transportation that is used by the transporter.
i. Delivery time
i. The trader does its utmost to speed up order processing.
ii. The trader is not responsible for delays caused by the transporter, especially in cases of unforeseen circumstances and force majeure.
iii. The trader is obliged to deliver the products to the consumer within 30 days of receiving the order.
j. Delay in order processing
i. Orders that include products mentioned as available on the website will be processed immediately.
ii. Orders that include products mentioned as available upon request on the website, will be processed after the consumer is informed about the amount of time that the product is expected to be available.
1. In this case, if the payment has been made by electronic means and the consumer wishes to cancel the order due to waiting time, the money will be returned to the consumer within five (5) working days on the same payment instrument that he used to execute the order.
iii. Orders that include products mentioned as available on the website along with products mentioned as available upon request will be executed only after the last product is available for shipment.
1. In this case the consumer may choose to separate the order by undertaking the additional shipping expenses for sending the “unavailable” product as soon as it becomes available.
iv. Orders made every day until 12:00 local time, will be handled on the same day.
1. All the other orders are processed on the next working day.
2. Non-working days are those applicable to Greece and to the trader’s registered office.
3. The trader reserves the right to process orders at different times.
k. Product availability
i. Product availability on weekdays from 15:00 to 10:00 of the following day, weekends, national and local holidays may not be accurate.
5. Consumer rights
a. Right of withdrawal:
i. You are entitled to withdraw from the sales contract within 14 days without giving any explanation.
ii. The withdrawal deadline expires in 14 days from the following day you have received or a third party other than the transporter and indicated by you has acquired the physical possession of the products.
iii. In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, you must notify about your decision to withdraw from this contract with a clear statement addressed via email to the trader.
iv. You can use the attached template of withdrawal form, without this being mandatory.
v. v. You can also fill in and submit your template form or any other statement from our website[ https://gaitatzi.gr/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/entypo-ypanaxwrisis.docx ]
vi. If you use this feature, we will promptly transmit to you on a stable medium (e.g. email) a confirmation of your withdrawal.
vii. In order to comply with the withdrawal period, it is obligatory to send your statement on the exercise of your right of withdrawal, before the withdrawal period expires.
b. Consequences of the withdrawal
i. If you withdraw from this contract, we will return to you all the money received from you, including shipment expenses (excluding additional expenses due to your own choice to use a different shipment method, other than the cheapest shipment method we offer), without unjustified delay, and anyway within 14 days from your decision to withdraw from this contract.
ii. We will execute the above refund using the same payment method you used for the initial transaction, unless you have explicitly agreed to something different and in any case, you will not be charged for such a refund.
iii. We are entitled to delay the refund until we receive back the products, or until you provide evidence that you have sent the products back, whichever comes first.
6. Trader rights:
a. The content of this website (including texts, graphics, images, photographs and software) is intellectual property of the trader.
b. It is forbidden, totally or partially, to republish and generally reproduce and broadcast the content of the website, store it in a database, broadcast in electronic or mechanical or any other form, in the original or in translation, or in other cover and modification of its form, content and development, without the written permission of the trader.
c. The appearance of the material on the website, should in no way be understood as a transfer, licencing, or granting the right to use or exploit it.
7. Data protection policy
a. Personal Data protection policy
b. As reflected on the website:
i. By filling in personal data on this website, you declare that you have the authority by this person ,in order to provide them to the trader.
c. Electronic Dispute Resolution
d. The trader supports the alternative dispute resolution through the EU extra-judicial Platform:
i. https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home2.show&lng=EL
8. Greek Code of Conduct for E-Commerce
a.Press here to download.
9. Jurisdiction:
a. For any dispute, the court of the trader’s registered headquarters shall have jurisdiction.
10. Applicable law:
a. Applicable law will be the Greek law.